Keep it Grounded

Keep it Grounded

Action: Fly half as much.

Reducing air travel is one of the single most significant actions individuals can take to reduce their carbon footprint.  Just one round-trip flight across the US generates .9 metric tons of CO2, equivalent to 1/18th of the enormous US average carbon footprint of 17-19 metric tons per year.  (For reference the global average is 5 metric tons CO2 per year).  In spite of this fact, air travel is increasing, with global air travel expected to double by 2035.

Much air travel is elective.  Travel is considered by many to be an unmitigated good, an important form of education—especially for us Americans who tend to be very provincial within our enormous, sprawling continent.  Professional travel continues to be expected, (even, ironically, for climate scientists) in spite of better- than-ever web conferencing options.

What becomes more difficult are the situations where we have made our homes many miles or even continents away from our family and loved one– where air travel is the only option for seeing the people we love the most face-to-face.  In situations where air travel is not elective, one possibility is to purchase carbon offsets to mitigate the trip.  Reducing where you can is better, but being conscious about flight and mitigating its carbon cost with offsets is a way you can meet your 2 year carbon diet reduction goals when visits to family and friends can’t wait.

Will you be taking on this challenge?  Share on social media, hashtags #2yrco2 #keepitgrounded